Javascript Development – Techuz Blog Insights, Tips and Guide on Web and App Technology Wed, 07 Aug 2024 09:19:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Javascript Development – Techuz Blog 32 32 Top React SEO Libraries for Building Search-Friendly Pages Wed, 07 Aug 2024 12:30:23 +0000 Ever felt the frustration of building a fantastic React app, but it gets buried in the depths of search results? We’ve all been there. In today’s digital jungle, good SEO is no longer optional for React developers. But fret no more! Here’s the good news: there are amazing libraries waiting to be your SEO secret …

The post Top React SEO Libraries for Building Search-Friendly Pages appeared first on Techuz Blog.


Ever felt the frustration of building a fantastic React app, but it gets buried in the depths of search results?

We’ve all been there. In today’s digital jungle, good SEO is no longer optional for React developers. But fret no more! Here’s the good news: there are amazing libraries waiting to be your SEO secret weapon.

This blog post will unveil the top 6 React SEO libraries, like hidden treasures in a digital map. We’ll crack open their functionalities, benefits, and ideal use cases, so you can choose the perfect tool for your project. Whether you’re a seasoned React pro or a curious beginner, this guide will equip you with the knowledge to skyrocket your app’s SEO and watch your user traffic soar. So, here are the top 6 contenders which are used by top reactjs development company, ready to be explored!

React Helmet

Struggling with SEO in your React app? You’re not alone. Single-page apps (SPAs) are awesome, but keeping search engines happy with the content in the <head> section can be a pain. That’s where React Helmet comes in!

Think of React Helmet as a translator between your React components and the document’s <head>. It lets you tell your components what titles, descriptions, and other SEO goodies you want, and then it handles the nitty-gritty of updating the actual <head> section. This means better SEO for your app and less head-scratching for you. With 1.4 M downloads and growing, the helmet is making a significant impact on the field.

Key Features

  • Dynamic Title and Meta Tags: Set and update page titles and various meta tags (description, keywords, etc.) based on your component state or props. This allows for SEO-optimized content for each page of your React application.
  • Social Media Integration: Manage Open Graph tags and other social media sharing elements directly within your React components. This ensures social media platforms can accurately preview and share your content.
  • Canonical URLs: Specify the canonical URL for each page to avoid duplicate content issues and improve SEO.
  • Helmet Providers: Manage SEO elements across multiple components or your entire application using Helmet providers. These providers allow for centralized configuration and inheritance of SEO settings.
  • Server-Side Rendering (SSR) Support: React Helmet integrates seamlessly with SSR frameworks, allowing you to define SEO elements on the server for optimal search engine crawling and indexing.


  • Improved SEO: React Helmet empowers you to create SEO-friendly React applications by dynamically managing crucial SEO elements like titles, meta tags, and social media sharing information. This can lead to better search engine ranking and organic traffic.
  • Enhanced Developer Experience: The declarative API of React Helmet simplifies managing SEO elements within your React components, making your code cleaner and more maintainable.
  • Centralized Control: Helmet providers allow you to define default SEO settings and manage them centrally, reducing redundancy and ensuring consistency across your application.
  • Flexibility: React Helmet caters to various SEO needs, from basic title and meta tag management to advanced social media integration and canonical URL control.

By leveraging React Helmet, you can focus on building your React application while ensuring optimal SEO practices for improved search engine visibility and user experience.


While React Helmet is a great general solution, Next.js developers have a specific SEO companion: Next-SEO. This library simplifies SEO management within Next.js applications, building upon the foundation of React Helmet. Next-SEO integrates seamlessly with Next.js, leveraging its strengths for enhanced SEO control. It offers a familiar API for managing SEO elements, making it easy for Next.js developers to optimize their applications. Clocking in at over 420k downloads, Next-SEO is a rapidly growing favorite for managing SEO in Next.js applications.

Key Features

  • Next.js Integration: Tightly coupled with Next.js features like automatic code-splitting and server-side rendering, Next-SEO ensures optimal SEO practices for your Next.js application.
  • Default SEO Configuration: Define default SEO settings that apply across your entire application, reducing repetitive code and ensuring consistency.
  • Per-Page Overrides: Customize SEO elements for specific pages while still leveraging default configurations for a streamlined workflow.
  • Image Optimization Integration: Manage image optimization for SEO purposes directly within Next-SEO, streamlining your workflow. (Note: This functionality might rely on additional integrations)
  • Social Media Integration: Manage Open Graph tags and other social media sharing elements directly within your Next.js components.
  • Advanced Features: Next-SEO offers additional features like robots.txt and sitemap.xml management, catering to broader SEO needs.


  • Simplified SEO Management: Next-SEO provides a familiar and streamlined approach to managing SEO within Next.js applications, saving you time and effort.
  • Leverages Next.js Strengths: By integrating with Next.js features, Next-SEO ensures your application benefits from server-side rendering and other optimization techniques for improved SEO.
  • Consistent SEO Configuration: Define default SEO settings and manage them centrally, reducing redundancy and maintaining consistency across your Next.js application.
  • Streamlined Workflow: Next-SEO allows for managing various SEO aspects like image optimization and social media integration within your Next.js development process.

If you’re building SEO-focused React applications with Next.js, Next-SEO is a powerful tool to streamline your workflow and ensure optimal search engine visibility.


While React applications offer a dynamic and interactive user experience, their initial load times can be impacted by large amounts of code or assets. Here’s where React Lazyload comes in – a library designed to optimize performance by enabling on-demand loading of components and resources.

React Lazyload provides a way to defer the loading of specific components or resources within your React application until they are actually needed. This approach can significantly reduce the initial load time, leading to a faster and more responsive user experience. Amassing over 240K downloads, React-lazyload is a popular choice for optimizing React applications.

Key Features

  • Lazy Loading Components: Wrap components with the LazyLoad HOC (Higher-Order Component) to defer their loading until they are rendered on the screen.
  • Threshold-Based Loading: Optionally define a threshold (percentage of visibility) to trigger the loading of a lazy-loaded component only when it becomes visible in the viewport. This further optimizes performance for large components or long pages.
  • Multiple Loading States: Customize loading placeholders or spinners to display while lazy-loaded components are being fetched.


  • Faster Initial Load Times: By deferring the loading of non-critical components, React Lazyload helps your React application load faster, especially on slower connections.
  • Improved User Experience: A snappier initial load time leads to a more responsive and engaging user experience.
  • Reduced Memory Usage: Deferring loading keeps unused components out of memory, which can be beneficial for mobile devices or low-memory environments.

In conclusion, React Lazyload tackles performance optimization from a different angle. It allows you to defer the loading of components and resources until they’re absolutely necessary. This can dramatically improve initial load times for your React application, especially on slower connections. By delivering a faster and more responsive user experience, React Lazyload complements other libraries we’ve discussed, creating a well-rounded approach to SEO, user experience, and performance in your React projects.


While the libraries we’ve discussed so far focus on SEO and user experience, React Page Visibility tackles a different aspect – optimizing your React application’s performance based on user attention.

React Page Visibility provides a way to track whether a web page is visible to the user or not. This can be crucial for optimizing performance and resource usage. For instance, you can pause animations, defer non-critical data fetching, or throttle background processes when the user is not actively viewing the page. Though not the most downloaded library, React-page-visibility, with 76k downloads, provides a focused solution for a specific need in React development.

Key Features

  • Visibility Detection: Determine if the webpage is visible (active tab) or hidden (inactive tab or minimized window).
  • Event-Based Updates: React to visibility changes through lifecycle events or callbacks, allowing you to trigger actions based on the page’s visibility state.
  • Cross-Browser Compatibility: Works across different browsers, ensuring consistent behavior regardless of the user’s platform.


  • Improved Performance: By pausing resource-intensive tasks when the page is not visible, you can conserve battery life and improve overall application performance.
  • Enhanced User Experience: A smoother and more responsive application can lead to a better user experience.
  • Optimized Resource Usage: React Page Visibility helps prevent unnecessary resource consumption when the user is not actively using the application.

In contrast to libraries focused on SEO and user experience, React Page Visibility tackles performance optimization. It lets you track if the user is actively viewing your React application. This allows you to pause resource-intensive tasks when the page is hidden, saving battery life and improving overall performance. Consider using React Page Visibility alongside other libraries for a well-rounded approach that optimizes SEO, user experience, and performance in your React projects.


React Meta Tags is another popular library for managing SEO elements within your React applications. While it shares similar functionalities with React Helmet, it offers a slightly different approach. React Meta Tags provides a set of React components that allow you to define and manage various SEO-related tags directly within your components. These components are then rendered within the document’s <head> section, ensuring your SEO information is present. Geared towards a specific need, React-meta-tags, with 16k downloads, offers a lightweight solution for managing meta tags in React projects.

Key Features

  • SEO Tag Management: Define and set various meta tags like title, description, keywords, robots, and more using dedicated React components.
  • Dynamic Updates: Update meta tags based on your component state or props, allowing for SEO optimization specific to each page or view.
  • Social Media Integration: Manage Open Graph tags and other social media sharing information directly within your React components.
  • Flexibility: React Meta Tags offers a component-based approach, providing flexibility in how you integrate SEO management within your application.


  • Simplified Integration: The component-based approach of React Meta Tags can be straightforward for developers familiar with React components.
  • Declarative Control: Defining SEO elements directly within your components promotes clean and maintainable code.
  • Flexibility: The component structure allows you to tailor your SEO management approach to your specific needs.

In conclusion, both React Helmet and React Meta Tags are strong contenders for managing SEO in your React applications. React Helmet offers a declarative API and additional features like centralized control and server-side rendering support, while React Meta Tags provides a simpler component-based approach. Consider your project’s requirements and development preferences when choosing the library that best suits your needs.


While React Helmet, React Meta Tags, and React-robots.txt address various SEO aspects within your React application, Sitemap Generator tackles a different but crucial task: creating and managing your sitemap.

A sitemap is an XML file that lists all the important URLs on your website. It helps search engines discover and index your content efficiently. This can improve your website’s search engine ranking and visibility.

Sitemap Generator is a popular library that simplifies the process of creating and managing sitemaps for your React application. Although a niche library, Sitemap-generator’s 10k downloads demonstrate its value for developers prioritizing SEO best practices.

Key Features

  • Automatic Sitemap Generation: Generates a sitemap.xml file containing a list of your website’s URLs based on your application structure or provided data.
  • Dynamic Updates: The sitemap can be automatically updated as your application and its URLs evolve, ensuring your sitemap remains accurate.
  • Customization: You can customize various aspects of the generated sitemap, including priority and frequency settings for individual URLs.
  • Large Site Support: Can handle large websites with numerous URLs by splitting the sitemap into multiple files if necessary.


  • Improved Search Engine Visibility: A well-maintained sitemap helps search engines discover and index all your important content, potentially leading to better search ranking.
  • Simplified Sitemap Management: Automates sitemap generation and updates, saving you time and effort compared to manual creation.
  • Flexibility: Provides customization options to tailor the sitemap to your specific needs.

While React Helmet, React Meta Tags, and React-robots.txt focus on optimizing the <head> section and robots.txt file, Sitemap Generator tackles a distinct but equally important SEO aspect: sitemap creation.  This library automates generating and updating your sitemap, ensuring search engines can effectively discover and index your React application’s content. Consider using Sitemap Generator alongside other SEO libraries for a well-rounded approach to search engine optimization in your React projects.

The post Top React SEO Libraries for Building Search-Friendly Pages appeared first on Techuz Blog.

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Angular vs React vs Vue.js – Which One is Perfect for Your Project? Thu, 22 Feb 2018 17:43:18 +0000 When comparing the ultimates, some questions have generated great controversies throughout the history. Jordan vs LeBron, Ali vs Frazier, Beatles vs Rolling Stone or Chuck Norris vs Bruce Lee. And in the era of JavaScript, the list has added a new conundrum which has become a hot topic for debate. And that is Angular vs …

The post Angular vs React vs Vue.js – Which One is Perfect for Your Project? appeared first on Techuz Blog.

When comparing the ultimates, some questions have generated great controversies throughout the history. Jordan vs LeBron, Ali vs Frazier, Beatles vs Rolling Stone or Chuck Norris vs Bruce Lee. And in the era of JavaScript, the list has added a new conundrum which has become a hot topic for debate. And that is Angular vs React vs Vue.js.

Maybe we are not eligible to pass a judgment on the rest of the comparisons but yes, being in the web and mobile development industry since more than 5 years and delivering 100s of projects to the clients, we can help you to compare the ultimate JavaScript technologies and select the best one for your project.

Before we start the comparison let me say one thing.

All the three technologies viz. Angular, React and Vue.js are widely used by developers all around the globe, they provide similar functionality and each has their own pros and cons. The question shouldn’t be which is the ultimate JavaScript technology but which one will work best for your project and needs.

In this article, we’ll understand each of the JavaScript technologies, their features, utility, popularity and which one will be suitable for your project.

So, let’s begin the comparison.


Angular is known as the superheroic MVC framework. It’s been 7 years since its first release and has been one of the most popular frameworks for building single page applications and other web apps.

With features like two-way data-binding, built-in dependency injection, TypeScript and reusable components it is the prime choice of huge companies for their complex projects. Some of the leading projects made with Angular are PayPal, NetFlix, UpWork, YouTube for PS3 and

Developed and Maintained by

AngularJS was originally developed by Miško Hevery in 2009 which is now supported and maintained by Google. It is an open source framework and MIT Licensed that makes it free for commercial or private use as well as allows modification and distribution.

Key Features

  1.  Huge community support
  2.  Consistent with technology
  3.  Typescript provides efficiency
  4.  SEO friendly apps with Angular Universal
  5.  Ahead of time compilation for faster apps
  6.  Two-way data binding

Popularity and Trends

Though the Google Trends shows neck to neck competition between Angular and React, the former is still the hot favorite among the developers and it dominates the Google Trends search queries.

Angular framework popularity and trends

Stats by Built With depicts 0.5% of Quantcast top 10k websites are made with Angular. While the entire internet consists of 8,938 active sites that are made using Angular.

builtwith data on angular

(Image source- Built With)

While the number of repository result on Github sums at 342,406.

Angular Trends by github

(Image source-Github)

When to Use Angular?

Web app development using Angular provides reliability, consistency, standardized codes and a huge community support that is a perfect match for enterprise apps. If you are looking for staying with a  technology for a long time, amicable codes, best practice and manage millions of users or even dollars with your app then Angular is the framework that your enterprise may rely on.


Angular is suitable for your project if you need:

  •  An enterprise/large scale app
  •  Reliability
  •  Consistency in technology
  •  Best practice
  •  A technology for longterm

Related: Angular 1 vs Angular 2 vs Angular 4 – Essential Differences


Unlike Angular, React is a JavaScript Library that focuses on “View” part of Model-View-Controller (MVC) development. React is a JavaScript library, not a framework. So, it does not provide a complete solution but instead, it easily interacts with different libraries.

React was built to create web apps that can render specific components rather than a full page refresh. This was made possible with the component-based architecture. Today it has extended the purview of possibilities and it is no longer just a library to build the user interface. Many top-notch projects like Facebook, Instagram, Coursera, Yahoo!, etc. are build using React.

Developed and Maintained by

React was developed by Facebook and even it manages the ongoing development and updates. Earlier it was under a BSD-derived license that raised issues related to patents and copyrights. But in 2017 Facebook re-licenced React under MIT.

Key Features

  1.  Flexible
  2.  Provides freedom
  3. Virtual DOM
  4.  Component-based
  5.  Declarative
  6.  One-way data flow

Popularity and Trends

2017 stats by GitHub shows, React Native is the top JavaScript technology project with the most number of contributors (8.8k) followed by Angular-CLI (7.4k) and Angular (6k).

reactjs framework popularity and trends

(Image source- GitHub)

Stats on Built With shows 3% of Quantcast top 10k websites are built using React. While the entire internet consists of 174,100 active sites that are built using React.

built with data on react

(Image source- Built With)

The number of React’s repository on Github is an eye-popping 419,651.

number of React’s repository on Github

When to Use React?

React is a Javascript library, not a framework. Thus, web app development using React provides you flexibility and freedom rather than confining you to a framework template. So, if you are looking for more flexibility and customization for your project then React is the most suitable for your needs. It is the right choice for most general app development such as productivity apps, single page apps, Progressive Web Apps, mobile apps using React Native, IOT apps with React for IoT and AR/VR apps using React for AR/VR.


React is a perfect technology for your project if you are looking for:

  • Flexibility
  • Freedom to build app in your own way
  • Standardization doesn’t bother you
  • Easy 3rd party integration
  • Progressive Web Apps
  • IOT apps
  • AR/VR apps


Vue.js is a lightweight progressive framework for creating interactive user interfaces. It is the new player in the game that has been observing its competitors. Just like Angular and React, Vue.js serves similar functionality for building user interfaces for SPAs and other web apps. It provides React-like virtual DOM and can be easily integrated with other libraries too.

The cool part about Vue.js is that it was made adopting the virtues of Angular and React that makes this framework versatile, lightweight and easy to learn. Many multinational behemoths like Expedia, Nintendo and Alibaba are using Vue.js for their projects.

Developed and Maintained by

Vue.js was developed by Evan You, an ex-Google employee who worked on several Angular projects. Describing his thought on Vue.js he said, “I figured, what if I could just extract the part that I really liked about Angular and build something really lightweight without all the extra concepts involved?” It is free from any copyright, patent or usage issue as it is MIT licensed.

Key Features of Vue.js

  1.  Lightweight
  2.  Easy integration with existing apps
  3.  Effortless 3rd party integration
  4.  Simple to understand and develop
  5.  Versatile
  6.  Blazing fast

Popularity and Trends

Vue.js beats Angular and React in the race of “Ten most forked projects” with 8.1k forks according to GitHub, Vue.js is followed by React Native with 8k forks.

Vue.js Trends and Popularity

(Image source- GitHub)

Built With shows 0.6% of Quantcast top 10k websites are built using Vue.js. While the entire internet consists of 60,627 active sites that are created using Vue.js.

build with data on vue.js

(Image source- Built With)

The repository results for Vue.js on GitHub just shows 103,063 repositories.

Vue.js on GitHub

(Image source- GitHub)

When to Use Vue.js?

The reason why Vue.js is called a progressive JavaScript framework is that it is perfect for small or ongoing projects where you want to add additional feature or functionality. Not only that, web development using Vue.js is proven to be highly scalable and a great choice for single page applications due to its Vuex and Router components.


Vue.js is the perfect Javascript technology for your project if you need:

  •  A lightweight framework
  •  Embellish or upgrade your current project
  •  Large as well as small single page applications
  •  Clean and easy maintainable codes

Take Away

JavaScript technology is evolving with time to make the applications more interactive, swift and user-friendly. All of the above JavaScript technologies are widely used across the globe for varied projects. None of them is a perfect solution for every project but each of them facilitates unique functionalities according to the situation and project needs. In this way, one select the technology that renders maximum benefits for the project.

Hopefully, this article has given you a brief idea of selecting the Javascript technology suitable for your project. If still, you aren’t sure which framework or library is perfect for you, feel free to contact us for free JavaScript consultancy.

The post Angular vs React vs Vue.js – Which One is Perfect for Your Project? appeared first on Techuz Blog.

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